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For Admission
Goals for Toddlers
Curriculum Framework
Social and Emotional Skills
- Begins to identify and show basic feelings such as happy, sad, mad, scared
- Shows concern for friends
- Begins to enjoy the company of other friends
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and guidance
- Begins to show interest in group activities
- Begins to show increasing independence with play
Language Skills
- Begins to communicate wants and needs and sometimes verbalizing wants and needs
- Listens to simple stories quietly
- Points to object or picture when it’s named for him/her
- Can identify some animals and the sounds they make
- Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
- Begins to use 2-word sentences
- Follows a simple direction “Sit in your chair.”
Fine Motor Skills
- Begins coloring with crayons
- Paints with large paint brush
- Begins playing with play dough
- Uses fingers to grasp small objects
- Begins building a tower with large blocks
Gross Motor Skills
- Throws a large ball forward
- Enjoys climbing
- Jumps on two feet in place
- Kicks a ball forward
- Begins to run
Cognitive Skills
- Begins to notice and name different shapes
- Explores basic physical properties (hard, soft, hot, cold, wet, and dry)
- Identifies some colors
- Begins counting to 10
- Shows an interest in reciting or singing ABC’s
- Recognizes and sometimes repeats basic nursery rhymes
- Shows interests in songs
- Recognizes a schedule of events
Self-Reliance Skills
- Able to answer to own name and begins to say own name
- Sits in a chair unassisted
- Assists with putting toys and supplies away
- Begins pointing to and identifying basic body parts such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth
- Begins feeding self with spoon unassisted
- Assists in undressing/ dressing self