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Goals for Infants (6 weeks-12 months)
Curriculum Framework
Social and Emotional Skills
- Begins to identify and recognize caretakers, even reaching out to them in time
- Begins to respond with cooing or facial expressions when spoken to and interacted with
- Begins to mimic language with simple sounds or reactions
- Cries, smiles, and coos as an appropriate response to environment
- Responds to language or music
- Responds differently with familiar and unfamiliar adults
- Begins to show interest in other peers or adults
- Becomes aware of own body (ex: Discovers feet)
- Engages in acts of self-care (Ex: moves hands together when washing hands)
- Shows confidence in emerging skills
- Self-soothing
Language Skills
- Seeks or looks towards language or music
- Responds when spoken to with eye contact, facial expression, or by making a noise
- Babbles and coos
- Copies words or sounds modeled
- Shows an interest in movement and song
Fine Motor Skills
- Begins grasping toy with whole hands and later with fingers
- Uses “Pincher Grasp” to pick up food or toy
- Uses hands to hold own bottle
- Uses hands to clap or wave
- Coordinates eye and hand movements
- Uses different actions: (kicks, pinches, swipes, pats, etc)
Gross Motor Skills
- Moves body, arms, and legs with coordination
- Rolls from Tummy to back or back to tummy
- Crawls or “Army” crawls with arms/ legs
- Sits up without support
- Pulls weight of body up into standing position
- Kicks legs to bounce or rock while supported
- Walks while assisted or holding onto support
Cognitive Skills
- Recognizes common caretakers
- Responds appropriately to environmental stimuli
- Copies behaviors modeled (example: Clapping, waving, peek-a-boo)
- Searches for missing or hidden objects
- Respond to verbal direction (example: being told yes or no)
- Uses senses to explore objects, people, and the environment
- Makes things happen and watches for results of repeat actions