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For Admission
Preschoolers (4-5)
Goals for Preschoolers (4-5)
Curriculum Framework
Social and Emotional Skills
- Respects and shows concern for friends
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and authority
- Plays cooperatively with others
- Seeks to solve problems using problem solving skills
- Resolves conflicts appropriately through use of words
- Shows empathy towards other children
- Demonstrates confidence and pride in self
- Participates and attends to activities such as circle time and learning activities for a longer period of time
Language Skills
- Listens quietly to stories read aloud with lengthening attention span
- Follows a sequence of three simple directions
- Identifies the main idea of pictures and stories
- Responds to a story by recalling basic details and answering questions
- Predicts what will happen next in a story
- Retells the main events in a story
- Speaks clearly and fluently
- Verbalizes wants and needs
- Waits for turn speaking during group activities such as circle time
- Effectively communicates in complete sentences
- Contributes to group discussions
- Uses expanding vocabulary
- Is aware of environmental print such as names of friends, center signs, etc
- Recognizes and uses left to bottom progression
- Recognizes and uses top to bottom progression
- Identifies and produces rhyming words
- Identifies the parts of a book such as cover, title, back of the book, spine of the book etc
- Identifies likenesses and differences
- Identifies upper- and lower-case letters
- Identifies letter sounds
Fine Motor Skills
- Independently strings small beads
- Independently puts together 10+ piece puzzles
- Appropriately uses scissors with control to cut along straight and curved lines
- Uses crayons with control and mature grip
- Draws a human figure with body parts
- Begins to write first and last name using appropriate capitalization (“John Smith”)
- Ability to feed self independently using utensils
Gross Motor Skills
- Throws and catches a ball
- Jumps on two feet in place
- Hops from one foot to the other
- Kicks a ball forward
Self-Reliance Skills
- Able to identify own name, gender, and age, and birthday
- Recognizes, names, and points to body parts such as head, face parts, chin, arms, hands, legs, knees, feet, etc.
- Independently puts toys and supplies away
- Independently displays self-help skills such as toileting, hand washing, putting on shoes and coat and zipping
- Follows directions
- Uses work materials properly as well as cleans when finished
- Independently follows classroom routines
- Works when appropriate on given tasks
- Works cooperatively in small groups
- Seeks only fair share of teachers’ attention
- Works neatly
Math Skills
- Rote counts to 30
- Identifies numbers 1-30
- Uses 1:1 correspondence of objects to 10
- Orders numerals in sequence 0-9
- Identifies and draws shapes such as circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, heart, rhombus (diamond)
- Produces a simple pattern of objects
- Names/recognizes penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar
- Categorizes objects by shapes, colors, sizes, textures
- Knows opposite words (hot/cold)
- Knows directional and positional words (up/down)
- Applies the concept of more than, less than, equal and not equal
- Adds and subtracts up to 10 objects
- Recognizes concepts of calendar time using appropriate vocabulary (days of the week, months of the year)
Science & Health Skills
- Makes predictions before experiments
- Collects data and records results using graphs or lists
- Seeks information through observation and exploration
- Identifies and uses 5 senses (when appropriate) during exploration
- Observes and describes properties of different kinds of objects and how they are used (clay, wood, cloth, paper, etc.)
Social Studies Skills
- Identifies similarities and differences in people
- Begins to understand how people rely on others for goods and services
- Identifies and describes the jobs of various “helpers” in the community
- Explores the use of technology and how the use of technology affects life
- Understands basic rules, how to follow them, and why rules are important and necessary
- Begins to understand what it means to be a leader
- Recognizes and understands the concept of change in various settings
- Understands the meaning of celebrated holidays and special days in the community