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For Admission
Preschoolers (3)
Goals for Preschool (3 years old)
Curriculum Framework
Social and Emotional Skills
- Respects and shows concern for friends
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and authority
- Begins to play cooperatively with others
- Begins to resolve conflicts appropriately through use of words
- Participates and attends to activities such as circle time and learning activities for a longer period of time
Language Skills
- Listens quietly to stories read aloud
- Begins to follow a sequence of three simple directions
- Responds to a story by recalling basic details
- Verbalizes wants and needs
- Effectively communicates in 5/6 word sentences
- Shows an increase in vocabulary
- Begins taking turns speaking during group activities such as circle time
- Correctly uses pronouns such as I, you, me, he, and she
- Recognizes letters and some sounds
- Shows an increasing awareness of environmental print such as names of friends, center signs, etc.
- Recognizes own name and identifies letters in own name
- Identifies opposites such as up/down; open/closed; stop/go; happy/sad; slow/fast; hot/cold
- Understands directional and positional words such as in, out, over, under, on, off, top, bottom, in front of, in back of
- Begins to identify the parts of a book such as cover, title, back of the book, spine of the book etc.
Fine Motor Skills
- Independently strings four ½ inch beads
- Independently puts together 6/7-piece puzzles
- Begins cutting with scissors
- Begins coloring with crayons with increasing control
- Begins using proper grip of crayon - uses fingers versus fist
- Draws a combination of simple shapes such as a house or person
- Begins to write first name in capital letters
Gross Motor Skills
- Throws a large ball forward and begins catching a large ball
- Jumps on two feet in place
- Kicks a ball forward
- Hops from one foot to the other
Self-Reliance Skills
- Able to identify name, age, sex
- Able to point to six body parts when named
- Names body parts such as head, face parts, chin, arms, hands, legs, knees, feet, etc
- Assists with putting toys and supplies away
- Begins becoming independent with self-help skills such as toileting, hand washing, putting on shoes and coat and zipping
- Follows directions
- Uses work materials properly as well as cleans when finished
- Begins to follow classroom routines independently
- Begins to work on tasks independently
- Begins working cooperatively in small groups
Math & Science Skills
- Names and identifies basic shapes such as circle, triangle, square, and rectangle
- Identifies basic colors
- Sorts objects according to basic colors
- Rote counts to 20
- Identifies numbers 1-20
- Begins to observe and describe characteristics of living things
- Identifies number of objects without counting (up to five objects)
- Begins to recognize simple patterns
- Begins to understand and sort according to physical properties such as hard, soft, hot, cold, wet and dry
- Begins to compare and contrast according to physical properties
- Uses 1:1 correspondence of objects to 5
Social Studies Skills
- Explores the use of technology
- Begins to recognize similarities and differences in people
- Explores how people rely on others for goods and services
- Explores various “helpers” in the community
- Understands basic rules and how to follow them
- Explores celebrated holidays and special days in the community